Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Quest for Epic

With Music for the Postmodern Ninja almost complete, I've been giving a lot of thought to what the next big music project should be. If you've been checking this site at all, you'll notice that I've been posting a new track just about every week, with a skew towards very epic and classical sounds. What these represent is a collection of new and old songs that are the things I sit down and play at the piano when I play just for the sake of playing. These themes are the hopes and dreams I've held onto that propel me to write better music, come up with ideas for games, or lend my talents to the works of others. Rather than trying to come up with new ideas or sounds, I'm digging back into the styles and arrangements I used to produce (or used to want to produce) all the way back from as early as I've been making my own music (since early high school, for some of these).

So in order to continue honing the skills I've developed in the last decade of full time music production, I'm going take a deeply personal and very nostalgic journey through some of my favourite musical ideas (or at least those the most fun to hammer out on the keyboard, because they're the ones I kept playing). I want to produce this much, much faster than Music for the Postmodern Ninja, so hopefully I'll keep up this pace of a new track every week or two. And I'll be posting them all up here for anyone who's interesting in listening. The playlist will grow. I hope you enjoy it.